
Giga Music Box 提供不同場合的樂隊表演服務, 包括婚禮樂隊表演 , 公司周年晚會表演等等。

歡迎致電27698 698 或 電郵至[email protected] 查詢詳情及報價。

Giga Music Box offers a variety of band performances, including wedding band performances, corporate anniversary performances and so on.

Please call 27698 698 or email [email protected] for details and quotes.







2017 Giga Music Box All rights reserved
  Tags: band房, 夾band房, 九龍灣 band房, bandroom, 分租, 租用PA, 租用音響, 舞台, 專業, 錄音, 錄影, 音樂課程, 教guitar, 教bass, 教鼓, 教keyboard, mixing, bandroom book, music production, recording, vocal recording, band recording, guitar recording, place rental, giga band房, 旺角 band房, giga 鼓房, giga band show, guitar譜, 琴譜, 地下樂隊 band房, http://gigamusicbox.com, giga music, 修理guitar, Ukulele, 夏威夷結他, 小結他,烏克麗麗, 烏克麗麗樂句, ukulele tab, 小魔王關卡, 烏克麗麗教學, 烏克麗麗譜,ukulele指法表, Ukulele 小結他, Soprano傳統小結他, Concert中型小結他, Tenor大型小結他, Soprano, Concert, Tenor